Hypnotherapy Comfortzone, LLC

Your Therapist
Barbara Foss, CH

Barbara Foss, CH
I have been a Certified Clinical Hypnotist for 21 years and am registered to practice clinical hypnosis in the state of Maine. My offerings are Kinetic Chain Release Level II Trained, Reiki Practitioner Level II, Moxibustion. I am a distributor for Lifewave phototherapy (no drugs) and Associate of Usana, pharmaceutical grade vitamins and more.
It has been my fulfilled desire to help others in a holistic manner as I have used metaphysical techniques in my own life for years. I look forward to offering you an appropriate personal program from a full menu of extensive offerings. I also have worked for many years in Customer Service, Dental, Hospitality and Disability Insurance industries . I have an Associate Degree in Business Administration from Husson College and have achieved America Life and Health Claim certification and have completed advanced hypnotherapy and metaphysical studies.
I am devoted to assisting my clients build individual strength and self sufficiency. In addition to my self hypnosis CDs, I tailor individual sessions to meet client's needs which may include Wellness, Metaphysical Healing and Releasement, Mental Massage, Happiness, Health and Success, Pregnancy, “Paradise for Dental Procedures”, Excellence in Golf, Super Kids and Past Life Regression to name several. Clients begin with children age 10.
New offerings:
A Universal Energy Exchange hypnosis session that taps into universal knowledge and energy for an intention set by you. Ideal for individuals to obtain and exchange enlightenment regarding an issue or personal relationship; recover information from the past or from spirit; ask to merge knowledge with others higher entities for understanding and improved communication and understanding: or simply enhance their own ability of identifying their purpose. This powerful program’s expectation is that you will be provided with the knowledge you seek at the appropriate time. The session is very relaxing and gives affirmations for a healthy happy life and success. (See testimonial section from a client).
Many areas of focus require 1-3 visits. As with anything, it is best to start and learn slowly with intake and plan; health and wellness first, graduate to neuro linguistic techniques and goal reaching.
G I F T Certificates are available for those to customize their own healthy choices :)
Why I became a Kinetic Chain Release Practitioner: To help myself and others in a holistic manner and became intrigued with the classes. KCR is a simple yet extremely effective system of passive stretches and mobilizations and stretches that brings the physical body back into balance quickly and easily. See what it can do for you! The protocol has the demonstrated ability to provide relief from pain and discomfort caused by multiple conditions such as knee problems., hip and join pain, pelvic discomforts, back, shoulder and neck discomfort.
My ideal Client: Everyone seeking positive change in their life and to relieve discomfort , stress and increase range or motion. Individuals wishing to experience Kinetic Chain Release (KCR), a new protocol to bring the body back into balance; Those interested I finding peace and relief with KCR and Reiki. Clients wishing to evaluate their nutritional needs and learn about pharmaceutical grade products endorsed by world renowned women’s health expert, Dr. Northrup
Intake (may include Kinetic Chain Release sampling) $135.00
Individual Hypnosis Session: $150.00
My Persona: click : https://app.xtensio.com/folio/5kt49kc0
BLOG: https://wordpress.com/view/hypnotherapycomfortzone.wordpress.com
How to Heal and Remain Balanced on my Facebook page, Hypnotherapy Comfortzone:
More Services:
Life Wave Representative: htpps://lifewave.com/bfoss2
Another passion of mine has been materialized as a Coordinator for Foreign Exchange Students through Counsel of International Educational Exchange (CIEE): Please contact me if you wish to discuss being a host family or school official with students ! More info here:
Why us?

At Saco Healing Arts, we are holistic practitioners devoted to honoring and empowering our clients and one another. We provide care for people who wish to enhance their current good health, relieve pain and stress or recover from illness or injury. Emphasis is placed on the interaction, responsibility, and opportunity of an individual to achieve his or her highest state of wellness and vitality. We are committed to a full spectrum of modalities, recognizing the mind-body-spirit integration and the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.